Friday, August 14, 2009
sy budak br bljr..
nape ek,lately i'm not enjoy being myself.. sedih btul..ari2 aku rse cm berat je nk gi keje.mse bgn tu da mule pk sal keje2..kdg2 tanak bgn je.xsanggup nk mulekn hari br .coz i know, my level of stress incresingly day by day...
supposed to be this internship will give me more experience towards industrial view.but unlucky, i haven't felt that excitement..almost self studying here.1st,die kasi task,cr reference kat registry or kat tenet..pastu stdy n pahamkn..pastu pizen.mse pizen kaw2 kne soal.kalah pizen PD n PSM..ish kalo smpai 6 bln cmni,msti my face look older 3years than my actual age..asek tensen je..
pls,let me out from this hell..tak sbr aku nk abes..
Tuesday, August 11, 2009
ohh kerana mu buku log..
Kisah ini bermula pd jam 5.57pm, lokasinya di bilik aku…
Tinggal bape ari je lg lecturer nk dtg evaluate LI aku. Tp bku log aku da msuk 3minggu dlm simpanan Hj Zainal.die bwk blk KL n tak dtg2 lg MTBE. Senin lps aku call die ckp nk dtg dlm kames or jumaat btg idong pon tade.oleh sebab aku sgt bz dgn keje2 yg mentor bg,aku da lupe psl kewujudan bku log tu. Neway aku bkn rajen sgt pon updates, 2mggu skali kot br tulis..
Lantas aku pon capai hp n search no hj zainal.tekan butang call. Perbualan bermula..
Aku: “hello, Assalamualaikum haji…”
Sv: “walaikummussalam. Sape ni”
ehh pelik lak sbb salu nye kalo aku call msti die ckp cmni (hello, ye zahida……) tp aku truskn perbualan..
aku: “Sy zahida. Sory hj..ganggu ptg2 cmni. Hj ble nk dtg MTBE”
Sv: “dtg MTBE? Sy br blk ni.nape..”
eeh, pasal lak org tue ni dtg tak bitau..da la jnji nk dtg last wik nk kasi bku pesal sore die len mcm ek..
“Emm tade,sy nk amik bku log sy pd hj..”
Sv: “bku log??”
apesal org tue ni blur lak aku yg salah call.aku cek blk fon.mmg sah,aku salah yg aku call ade la hj zainal abidin, executive chemist bkn org yg aku cr hj zainal mahtar, ex-manager compounding..ahahaha..
Nak kaver line pnye psl:
Aku: “sory2 hj.salah tersalah call igt ni hj zainal mahtar.number hj dgn die seblah2.hehe.die jnji nk dtg mtbe kasi bku log sy..”
Sv: "ahahha..ptt la sy tak paham ape awk ckp..emm ngan die, awak kne salu call.die tu bizi.kdg2 tu terlupe."
Ahahaha.itulah sedikit sedutan perbualan kami..
malu siot salah call org.naseb aku kaver2.buat nye si hj zainal abidin ni gi cite kat org lab,mmpus aku kne nganjing dgn technician2 situ…naseb da pindah TSD.
dan aku trus dial number hj zainal mahtar.kali ni mmg sah bukan tersalah nombor sbb bile aku helo je die trus jawab:
"helo,ye zahida.sory la sy tak sehat last wik.i need to see u la......" dan seterusnye..Sunday, August 9, 2009
Health benefit of kissing...muahhhhh~~
2. Kissing is great for self-esteem. It makes you feel appreciated and helps your state of mind.
3. Kissing burns calories, 2-3 calories a minute and can double your metabolic rate. Research claims that three passionate kisses a day (at least lasting 20 seconds each) will cause you to loose an entire extra pound! It's time to start that kissing diet!
4. Kissing is a known stress-reliever. Passionate kissing relieves tension, reduces negative energy and produces a sense of well being, lowering your cortisol 'stress' hormone.
5. Kissing uses 30 facial muscles and it helps keep the facial muscles tight, preventing baggy cheeks! The tension in the muscles caused by a passionate kiss helps smooth the skin and increases the circulation.
6. Kissing is good for the heart, as it creates an adrenaline which causes your heart to pump more blood around your body. Frequent kissing has scientifically been proven to stabilize cardiovascular activity, decrease blood pressure and cholesterol.
7. Those who kiss quite frequently are less likely to suffer from stomach, bladder and blood infections.
8. During a kiss, natural antibiotics are secreted in the saliva. Also, the saliva contains a type of anesthetic that helps relieve pain.
9. Kissing reduces anxiety and stops the 'noise' in your mind. It increases the levels of oxytocin, an extremely calming hormone that produces a feeling of peace.
10. The endorphins produced by kissing are 200 times more powerful than morphine.
Friday, August 7, 2009
i think it's stress!!

ish,tensen la..wiken aku tak bermakne.tak pat nk bersuke rie..kne stdy nk siapkn slide.da la aku malas nk lukis pfd..plant ni complicated sgt kot.produce 300 000MTA main product n 80 000 MTA side sume besar2.beratus2 trays utk separator.tinggi da cm flat daya kat taman melati.ahaha..
kalo nk compare dgn plant design aku nye plant tu, mmg 10kali gande lg complicated.pendek kate sume la recycle or regenerate.ptt le dorg leh untung byk..waste bpe % je pon..vapor n liquid waste yg di burn pon use for recover energy.siap ade yg jd fuel gas lg.mmg kagum la kat sape yg design plant ni.smestinye bkn malaysian la.haha..
wah,tak ske btul la kalo asek self learning je.aku da la tak rajen nk apekan daya,naseb seorang trainee di TSD mmg begitu..aku mule merasai stress hari demi hari..smestinye yg paling aku tak suke,wiken aku terpakse dikorbankn dgn menelaah bnde alah ni..mmg nk nanges!!