arini ari ke-6 aku dok wat sample testing yg sme.setiap 2jam kne test sample from reactor. kne check bulk density n particle size distribution that also called APS.collect data from the test,pastu wat graph for each tests.katenye kne wat bnde alah ni 6ari je.

arap2 la xditambah masenye.siyes da busan da aku wat ni.aku da xsbr nk tukar da kasi green light..katenye die tak kesah,jnji ade yg supervise aku..baek btul hj ni.betuah rse kdg2.kalo dpt bos miang cm pujah,mau trauma je aku nk gi keje...
berilmiah sungguh cite ko neh..haha
ReplyDeleteok.pasneh aku cite bkn ilmiah lak ye..